Cost to digitize embroidery

Cost to Digitize Embroidery


Digitized files are not the kind of files that are available in the market, they are either converted on a free digitizer software or skillfully handled by a professional. For example, digitized embroidery cannot be printed on an embroidery machine with vector files or the files you are provided by your graphic designer. Only digitized files are used in embroidery machines. The digitized embroidery file can only be opened in a proper digitizing software like Wilcom or Pulse. The next step is to have a ‘run-sheet’ that consists of a set path of an embroidery design and more often this file is in a PDF format. This PDF is helpful for the digitizer and explains the information like the number of stitches, colors, and order of the embroidery to be printed. Do I need embroidery software to digitize files you ask? Yes definitely, any file that needs to be converted to digitized file needs an embroidery software. There are many easy to use embroidery softwares available in the market but one needs to know the basic know-how about using these softwares. Converting image to embroidery file can also be delivered through auto digitizing softwares online.

Stitch types:

The next step to digitizing embroidery is stitch types. There are different types of stitches and so choosing between the type of stitches can be a bit overwhelming. However, there are three basic stitch types which are Run, satin, and fill stitches.

 A Run or Straight stitch is the thread continuously repeating over the same area to increase the thickness of the width of the thread.

A satin stitch is the most used stitch. The satin stitch can be seen in mostly text or borders. It is known for its unbroken thread embroidery.

The last basic stitch is the Fill stitch. Fill stitch is exactly what it says in the name. Fill Stitch creates volume and covers a large area of design.

Information in a digitized file is very detailed according to every design. Due to the information that is needed for every different type of fabric, each fabric needs its own unique file. For example, the same design that is to be printed on a shirt, cap and jacket will each need a different file with different digitized files respectively.

Digitizing Software and Embroidery Files:

Adobe Photoshop and Wilcom are the two most popular digitizing software packages.

Wilcome Hatch embroidery software is most commonly used software when it comes to digtizing embroidery. The most common question many embroidery designers face is how to digitize embroidery designs.

Want your own team of digitizers for your embroidery design requirements,

We are here to help you!

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Check out our Cost to digitize Embroidery:

                                         Cost to digitize embroidery per stitches


 What are the Digitizing Instructions?

The digitizing instructions in an embroidery file basically show extremely detailed information like Underlay, Path, Pull Compensation, Stitch Types, Etc.


                                                                          digitizing instruction



What does Underlay mean? Have you ever seen a blueprint of your house? That is exactly what an Underlay is in Embroidery. Underlay stitches are the structural integrity of your embroidery, what it means is underlay is the basic backbone of your embroidery and the main design sits on top of the Underlay stitch. Some digitizers and free embroidery software skip the underlay stitch altogether which is a grave mistake because it is what strengthens the embroidery so the main design can sit on top. Sometimes to a new digitizer underlay can look a bit strange, but it is what the topstitching will sit on. Underlay may look strange but the main embroidery design will cover it so after the output is printed on your product, you won’t be able to see it. 


The digitizer determines a set path for the embroidery to be printed on any product of your choice. The path is a set of commands that will tell the embroidery machine where to start and stop the printing process. It also details the format in which each section of the artwork or design is embroidered. The path tells the machine which part of the embroidery is filled by which color. 

Pull Compensation:

Pull compensation is the embroidery offsets itself on different types of fabric. Fabrics like spandex or jersey have a lot of stretches and so the embroidery has to be printed on the fabric according to the stretching capability of the fabric. Fabric-like leather can not stretch at all and so when a digitizer adjusts the pull comp a design is sewed properly across the different fabrics. 

What is the basis of the Cost of Embroidery Digitizing?

Cost to digitize Embroidery mostly offers you designs that you want to convert to embroidery file formats. The cost for digitizing any design revolves around the number of stitches, colors used in the embroidery and the number of thread changes in the embroidery.

Some professional digitizers charge on the number of stitches involved in the file formats.  The range for most good digitizers is the same rate we provide i.e per thousand stitches.

Sew Out Designs:

We at Cre8iveSkill make sure to print out the digitzied designs, so that the files you send to digitize print out perfectly from your embroidery machines. When it comes to digitizing your designs or any artwork we make sure all designs are provided to you error-free so when you use your embroidery it looks perfect.

We at Cre8iveSkill make such commitments and follow up on those commitments to give you an outcome you are delighted with!











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