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Checkout Our Non-Violence Epitome Digitized Embroidery Design

Checkout Our Non-Violence Epitome Digitized Embroidery Design | Cre8iveSkill Mahatma Gandhi, byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became the leader of the nationalist movement for freedom of India. He is considered the father of his country and is internationally esteemed for his nonviolent protest to achieve political and social progress. You can have the design stitched out as a photo frame or you can get it on your bags to show your support to the on-going cause of stopping violence. The design would also look good on t-shirts, tote bags, cushion covers, and the rest is to your imagination. The color sequence run sheet is included in the download folder. Load your favorite thread color and stitch!! This is not a real embroidery patch, it's a digital file to be used in embroidery machines. #cre8iveskill #digitzedembroiderydesign #nonviolence #nonviole

Category Tags: Embroidery Patterns.

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