Free Vector Art

Free Vector Art

We Digitize your Dreams with Stitches.

Micky And Mini

Category: Free Vector Art
Color: 3
Number of download: 85
Price: $0.00

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Vector graphic suitable for screen printing/transfer printing on t-shirt, mugs etc.

Category Tags: Cartoon DesignsVector Art

Frequently Asked Questions

A vector file is a computer graphic that uses mathematical formulas to render its image, instead of using pixel data that is used in a raster file. A vector image begins with a point and when two points are joined, they create a path. These paths can be straightened or curved, and then connected with more points to form longer paths or closed shapes. Each path, curve, or shape has its own formula, so they can be sized up or down and the formulas will maintain the crispness and sharp qualities of each path. A vector file has the capability to infinitely adjust in size without losing resolution which makes vector files versatile for certain types of tasks than raster files.


Some of the most common types of Vector files that Cre8iveSkill works with are: 

Adobe Illustrator or .ai - This type of file is used in print media and digital graphics, such as logos.

Encapsulated PostScript or .eps - It is an older type of vector graphics file. These files do not support transparency in the way more modern file formats like AI do.

Portable Document Format or.pdf - This vector file format is built for the exchange of documents across platforms.

Scalable Vector Graphics format or.svg - This type of file is based in XML (a language used across the Internet, readable by both machines and humans). It is useful for the web where it can be indexed, searched, and scripted.


One should use vector files whenever they need graphics displayed in various sizes. Imagine you have a company and you want to get your logo designed. The best format that you can create your logo is in Vector file format. This vector logo will be used on business cards, brochures, flyers etc. It might also appear on T-shirts, billboards, and tiny mobile device screens. Other common vector files include icons, typography and lettering designs, patterns, and digital illustrations.

Vector files sound a bit complicated, but you do not have to make them yourself! Cre8iveSkill is an expert for vector art conversion. We provide services starting from logo designing to removing the background of any given image.

Vector images are described by shapes such as circles and squares, as opposed to bitmap images which are described by pixels - squares of color arranged in a grid. The shapes are precise mathematical descriptions of the image and can be scaled without becoming blurry or "pixelated" (that blocky look that bitmap or raster images so often get when scaled up).

We are incredibly systemic in our work. We have a 3-stage quality check and assurance (QC and QA) process where we inspect each design individually and ensure that the designs are sharp and clean. If you find any defect, we will correct it and vectorize it again. We correct the image till it achieves perfection, and then it is sent to you in a requested file format.

Vector images are described by shapes such as circles and squares, as opposed to bitmap images which are described by pixels - squares of color arranged in a grid. The shapes are precise mathematical descriptions of the image. They can be scaled without becoming blurry or pixelated (that blocky look that bitmap or raster images so often get when scaled up).

Because vector images do not use any pixels, you can resize them infinitely larger or smaller without any loss of quality, and they will still print out just as clearly, with no increase (or decrease) in file size.

The most common uses of vector images are advertising, marketing, and brand awareness like vector logo designs. In the fashion industry, vector graphics are commonly used for Custom Printed Fabric Labels, Garment Illustrations, Logos, Embroidery Patches, Digitizing, and more.

One should use vector files whenever they need graphics displayed in various sizes. Imagine you have a company, and you want to get your logo designed. The best format that you can create your logo is in a vector file format. This vector logo will be used on business cards, brochures, flyers, etc. It might also appear on T-shirts, billboards, and tiny mobile device screens. Other common vector files include icons, typography and lettering designs, patterns, and digital illustrations.
Vector files sound a bit complicated, but you do not have to make them yourself! Cre8iveSkill is an expert for vector art conversion. We provide services starting from logo designing to removing the background of any given image.

 Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) is an older sort of vector graphics file that does not enable transparency like more recent file formats such

 Vectors are digital shapes made up of lines and curves that combine to form an image based on a mathematical formula. These lines and curves, often known as pathways, enable designers to scale pictures as simple as a form to as complicated as a full-fledged art.

There are two sorts of image files when working digitally: raster and vector. Both sorts of images can be saved with a variety of file extensions. It's critical to know when to utilise which image type and which file extension to use in which situations.
Vector files are graphics created using mathematical methods to establish grid points.
Raster files are made up of coloured chunks that are frequently referred to as pixels.
Vector files are more adaptable than raster files for certain types of operations because they may be scaled indefinitely without losing resolution.

The Following are the most popular Vector File Format :
ai: This format, which stands for Adobe Illustrator, is often used in print and digital graphics, such as logos.
Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) is an older sort of vector graphics file that does not enable transparency like more recent file formats such
The Portable Document Format (.pdf) is a cross-platform document exchange format that may be edited with Adobe Acrobat.
svg: The Scalable Vector Graphics format is based on XML (a widely used mark-up language that can be read by both machines and humans).

It's appropriate for the web because it can be indexed, searched, and scripted.

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